Learn how to apply MCT effectively and never get stuck again in treatment. Help your clients recover faster, and reduce the risk of relapse through your own personal Metacognitive therapist style. I want to support you in doing exactly that.
You are free to bring up specific cases you would like to have supervision on, including video recordings of sessions. Depending on your MCT knowledge and level of experience, the supervision will help you improve your MCT skills in a number of areas. According to your specific needs, we will create personal plans for development with regards to:
- How to work in a metacognitive mode
- How to accurately help clients identify their CAS
- How to effectively introduce detached mindfulness so your clients will apply it correctly
- How to identify and challenge the client’s relevant metacognitive beliefs
- How to proceed when you are stuck with clients
- How to identify your own CAS as a therapist that may get in the way of treatment
- How to manage difficult and challenging moments in therapy
- How to set realistic goals with your clients
- How to find your own MCT therapeutic style that makes you efficient and stand out
1200 DKK for 55 minutes
Conducted online
Supervision is delivered to mental health professionals. In order to qualify for receiving supervision, you should ideally be in the process of getting qualified at the MCT-Institute® and belong to one of the categories below:
– Psychologist – Psychotherapist – Psychiatrist – Physician – Mental health worker – Nurse
Shang is a very competent, empathetic, and professional therapist and supervisor. She is always open to new challenges and has a creative and innovative approach. Shang’s excellent communication and interpersonal skills make her great at working with different types of clients.
In her role as a supervisor, Shang is curious and socratic, which facilitates an optimal learning environment. At the same time, she has a lot of knowledge of the metacognitive method, which she generously passes on.
Shang får mine varmeste anbefalinger som supervisor. Hun er altid opdateret på den nyeste forskning, hvilket gør hende i stand til at komme med nye spændende indfaldsvinkler på ens sager. Herudover er hun tilbagelænet, rolig og giver den, hun superviserer, plads til at komme med alle detaljer. Hun byder ind med korte og præcisespørgsmål, der hurtigt skærer ind til kernen af problemet.
Foruden at være en fagligt stærk og kompetent supervisor, er Shang altid utroligt nærværende og omsorgsfuld. Hun kan både være alvorlig, når dette er nødvendigt, og humoristisk, når stemningen trænger til et løft.
Shang ikke tager noget for givet, og at hun ikke er bange for at stille simple spørgsmål. Dette gør, at man bliver tvunget til at reflektere over og tage stilling til ens egen praksis og forståelse af det pågældende emne. Sagt med andre ord er hun god til at sætte tempoet ned uden at det på nogen måde bliver kedeligt, og spørge ind til de centrale aspekter ved den pågældende sag.